Specjal Header

@ <nRow>,<nCol> TBROWSE <oBrw>
[ID <nId>] ;
cParent> ]
uUserSearch> ] ]
uUserFilter> ] ]

This command creates the headers at the bottom of the normal TSBrowse headlines. They can show the numbers of columns (ENUMERATOR command) or serve as input controls functions AutoFilter or AutoSearch. The data are the same type as defined column

Commands ENUMERATOR , AUTOSEARCH and AUTOFILTER can not occur simultaneously.

Command description:

 Logical Clauses:

ENUMERATOR - show in Special Header the numbers of columns

AUTOSEARCH - Activates fields in the Special Header, allowing you to enter data for contextual search of the record. In seeking consideration of all data entered in the Special Header fields

AUTOFILTER - Activates fields in in the Special Header, allowing you to filter the data TsBrowse. Filtering are taken into account all the data entered in a special header fields

Commands AUTOSEARCH and AUTOFILTER work for standard RDD and arrays. In other cases should use the optional Command USERSERCH or USERFILTER

Optional Clauses:

USERSEARCH <uUserSearch> Function or code block in sample form:

nCol,aDataSpecHd,oBrw| SetUserSearch(nCol,aDataSpecHd,oBrw) }

where :
<nCol> - column number of edited data
<aDataSpecHd> - array of data entered into the Special Header.
<oBrw> - a object reference to the TBrowse Control

USERFILTER <uUserFilter>  - Function or code block in sample form:

nCol,aDataSpecHd,oBrw| SetUserFlt(nCol,aDataSpecHd,oBrw) }

where :
<nCol> - column number of edited data
<aDataSpecHd> - Array of data entered into the Special Header.
<oBrw> - a object reference to the TBrowse Control

New instance variables:
Special Headers colors:
nClrSpcHdBack     Special Header cell background
nClrSpcHdFore      Special Header cell foreground
nClrSpcHdActive   Active Special Header cell background

Logic variable:
lEditSpec                if True, editing special header is allowable