Sections and variables
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In File [Yourname.mod] you find 5 sections, but I point out the first line.
!HBPRINTER  (or empty line)
If you want use hbprinter (default)
If you want use miniprint
If you want obtain a pdf

[DECLARE] with a number / Printing orientation
                    / the preview option / the option of selection of printing
                    / the demand for beginning prints / the demand for reprint.

                    The width of the total of the sheet in columns: =  N° of the columns.
                    The value of default is 80 other values are 96, 120, 140, 160

                    Guideline of the press: =  LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT (the ABBREVIATION
                    is obtained with the first four characters Ex. LAND.)  The Default is Portrait

                    The preview:  = PREV if you want the preview of the press.  Default  yes
                    The selection of printing 
=  SELE   default not
                    The demand for beginning prints
=  ASKP   default not
                    The demand for reprint
=  ASKR   default not

                    Ex.  [DECLARE]120/SELE/LAND/ASKP

                    All These parameters if you have specified them become active
                    otherwise they are replaced by the default value.

[HEAD]      with a number (the page head) with a number of lines to print
                    In its inside you can put the date, the page number, the images
                    that will be overwritable by the rest of the following fields 

[BODY]      with a number (the form body) with a number of lines to print
                    an optional number
                    With this option it is possible to resume already printed cards
                    and to continue. 

                    Ex. [ Body ] 30/15 where 30 is the maximum number of printing lines
                    in the Body section and 15 is the line of departure only for the first page. 

                    With the variable " FLOB " (First linens of body print)
                    that it takes part only on the first page. 
                    It is possible to define the value of this variable one on the section [DECLARE]
                    Ex. (FLOB:=15)
                    If this way, the assigned value in section [ BODY ] is ignored

                    In his inside you can put the fields to print and other commands
                    as, color , alignment, sums, etcetera.

[FEET]       with a number that indicates the number of lines to print (the page foot).
                    It can contain the total fields, as an example the total of an invoice,
                    you see the example.

[END]         declares the end in the standard definitions and shuts the interpreter
                     ( it is not necessary, but elegant!).

[]         Used in order to define a type of font
                    ( multiple name font must be included in [ ] Ex. [ TIMES NEW ROMAN ])
                    and (or) assigns a memvar (sees command VAR), assigns one
                    group part (see Group function ).

( )        Use to start orders of interpreter and the functions contained in
                    your prg on condition of a correct syntax.
date()  or (ado += eline)
                    Warning: ( ) are necessary for macro and IF condition
Example:    if  (married=.t.) 
 if  married =.t.

The sum of the declared numbers at the side of every section will define the total number
of lines that will be printed in every page.

Every section can contain commands, only the BODY section execute the list in more lines

if > 0 Close the printing procedure
Returns a line value in printing
Returns a line value at the end of the records to print
Returns. .t. if  you are on the last page
It contains the number of running page (Only in version MonoDb)
Contains the total number  of relative pages (Only in version MultiDb)
Contains the progressive number of relative page (MonoDb and MultiDb)
Contains the total number of the pages (Only in version MultiDb)
Set the First line of body print,it takes part only in the first page.
With this variable it is possible to resume already printed cards,and to continue.
Its possible to define the value of this variable on the section [BODY]

Ex. [BODY]30/15

Where 30 is the maximum number of printing lines in the Body section and 15 is the line of departure only for the first page.

Continued on page Commands