Starting from January 2024 Minigui Extended avails itself of the collaboration of Ivanil Marcelino, a new member whose extraordinary contribution can be seen by downloading his RAD from his github link:

Contains Minigui Extended and all necessary tools. ( Harbour Ide, Rad, Text editor, Mysql portable, Dbf to Sql, Terminal, Function evaluator, etc. ) |
Contains only Ide, Rad tools and facilities ie. Dbf to Sql, Terminal, Function evaluator etc. ( Small file ) |
Contains only Ide, Rad tools and facilities ie. Dbf to Sql, Terminal, Function evaluator, Text editor, Minigui Resources. ( File of Mid dimension ) |
A collection of examples among which we highlight Modelos/PrototipoMySQL which also implements security options. |
Note: Designer it is a work tool that do not contain Minigui Extended examples.
More info and Youtube link here: